2024 International Labor Day holiday notice
Labor Day is an important holiday, typically celebrated on May 1st each year.
This day commermorates the labor and constributions of the working class, people take the day off to rest, and there are also various celebrations such as performances and parades.
Labor Day is a symbol of respect and gratitude for workers and signifies social unity. Through this holiday, people further recognize the importance of labor, inspiring everyone to contrubute to the development of society.
Dear Dowell Customers!
It is kindly informed that our company is scheduled for the International Labour Day and the holidays are from 2024.05.01 to 2024.05.05, And We will be back to work on 2024.05.06.
We are sorry for any inconvenience it may occur.
Should you have any enquiries, please feel free to call +86 18839003155 or email to sales@dowell3dprinter.com
We wish you all the best!